Friday, October 1, 2010

Epcot Center

Sad to say but I do not have any pictures at the Epcot Center but it was a rather miserable day, so hot, so humid and rain off and on all day.  One fun thing we did was ride the cars in the General Motors Test Track.  They gave us some experiences with braking, cornering, rough roads and then a fast ride up to 60MPH.  Fun but not as exciting as they had hyped it up to be.  We experienced a boat ride showing us how they are growing fish and plants in small places and more naturally.  Pretty interesting.  The ride into the large sphere (the big golf ball) that is the logo for the Center was fun but right now it escapes me as to what I saw!!!  Saw the energy show narrated by Ellen DeGeneres and Bill Nye.  Fun and sort of educational.  Between rain storms we walked thru all of the exhibits from all of the countries, Spain, Germany, Canada, etc, etc. There is the ride "Soaring over California" which is a popular ride but even getting a fast pass was impossible.  I have done that ride at Disneyland and Bernice and Ron do not do well with that sort of thing, they get sick!!

So, we took the monorail back to the hotel and headed to the casual pool bar.  It was Friday night and Karaoke night and the bar was full of enlisted guys and they were having a ball.  We enjoyed some bar food and enjoyed the guys singing and having a great time.  I bought all of them a round of drinks (anonymously) and they all cheered and drank more.  Of course, we had a "few" ourselves and finally gave up as the bar closed at 11 PM and everyone had to give up and head to their rooms.  This was a super duper hotel and we enjoyed everything about it.  Next morning we had Starbucks and a cinnamon roll, jumped in the car, our super red Cadillac, and headed to the Rip Roaring Ramstein Reunion in St. Pete's Beach, about 3 hours west of Orlando on the Gulf of Mexico.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lillian,
    I'm enjoying your blog - next best thing to being there myself.

